Author: coolyou

We are going to talk about Tera gold guide by farming the Wrangell points, and also by doing some crafting which is itching crafting alchemy crafting and by buying and selling customs mounts woman skins. In Tera Online, if you have lots of Tera Gold, then you can purchase what you want to buy, and…

The Duelist is Path of Exile’s strength/dexterity hybrid class, producing him unmatched at dealing and avoiding harm. He can successfully use a shield but is equally comfy slashing away with a highly effective two-hander or fighting with weapons in each hand. His strong arms can draw the strings on the heaviest and most lethal longbows.…

How much money on average people spend on Path of Exile? Personally I have $180 (veteran since open beta). Generally I buy 50-60 bucks supporter pack if I really like it. Other than that – it’s quite expensive for me, or should I say it’s poor value per money spent, I mean supporter pack mtx…

With a couple of weeks left before the new league starts, and people already getting into that in-between-leagues mode especially with the flashback event hype winding down, it might be nice to revisit and rediscover some possible aspects to the game that some might be ignoring without realizing how helpful or profitable they could be.…

In Path of Exile, the Ebony Barracks is an area in Act 3. This area has a waypoint and is connected to The Sewers, The Lunaris Temple Level 1, and The Imperial Gardens. This area is divided into levels connected by stairs, with the lowest floor at the bottom of the area leading to the…

We’ve all talked to death the various problems, bugs, or design flaws with the Bestiary league and its mechanics. I thought it might be interesting to flip it and talk about the things we liked about it or thought it did well. Bestiary specific things I liked in particular: 1. The aspect skills. They’re stylistically…

Howdy, I like builds based on chaos damage and I do not like crit builds. I want to play something different than ED+Contagion now. I looked at Death’s Oath already, but that was not too appealing. Do you know any builds that are rather safe/tanky and chaos based? Dark Pact Totems Hierophant This can be…

In Path of Exile, there are many new spectre player, I feel like someone should have shared some tips regarding spectre. I will start with my “I wish I know this when I start playing spectre”: 1. Lvl of desecrate and raise spectre affect your Spectre’s level. Although this is obvious, some people might miss…

How To Insert Random Ranger Build? Since there are many informations about 3.3 changes already, I’d like to propose some balancing around the stale meta in past few leagues. Right now and many leagues back, I feel like forced to play “insert random ranger build” to be efficient. If I want to clear maps fast,…

After a few years of alternating expansions and leagues, we released two expansions back-to-back in late 2017. Our March release blurred the line between an expansion and a league. We are pitching 3.3.0 in a similar way. It is branded as a league, but is certainly a large release compared to leagues of the past.…