Those interested in river’s lake, but river lake or haven’t started to play, if they want to know more knowleage RS, the best way is to read as much as possible of the wiki. What is runescape wiki? Runescape wiki information into the river. Such as river’s lake skills, rs tasks, equipment, and other information.…

Aion players have a lot to do during this festive time of year. In the Nightmare Circus content, players are charged to save Yume and unlock treasures at the Nightmare Circus. To help save Yume, you must be at least level 30 with a minimum group of two players. Yume’s faerie friends are available in…

Class Summary The Spiritmaster is the debuff specialist and the only class that utilizes pets in Aion. Spiritmasters use their powerful summons to damage and keep enemies at bay while they themselves inflict massive damage through the use of their damage over time skills. The Spiritmaster is considered to be a secondary dps and secondary…

Class Summary The Sorcerer is the Crowd Control (CC) specialist of Aion and also a fearsome dps class with the hardest hitting spells in the game. Sorcerers use their powerful CC abilities to control the flow of a fight while also casting devastatingly powerful spells to dispatch their targets quickly. This class is primarily a…

Class Summary The Ranger class is the ranged weapon expert of Aion and deals extensive damage from afar by using his or her bow to launch deadly arrows to destroy their victim. The Ranger is a ranged dps class with one or two skills of CC ability. Play Style The Ranger excels at long range…

Class Summary The Assassin is the master of the shadows of Aion and has the best stealth and one of the highest damage bursts of all the classes. Assassins are also excellent in disabling and locking down their targets. These abilities go hand in hand, as an expert Assassin can sneak up on his target…

Class Summary The Gladiator is the weapons master of the Aion world and boasts excellent tanking and damage dealing capabilities. As such, Gladiators can fill either the tanking or dps role in a group. This class also has the widest variety of weapons available to them, being able to wield any physical weapon with the…

Class Summary The Templar is the main tanking class of Aion with many defense increasing skills that allow for the Templar to achieve a nearly invincible state for a period of time. Play Style The Templar is the main tank based class in Aion and as such, most Templar skills are focused on increasing defense,…

My accuracy is not 3,000 so i can’t come to the instance. Many people want to come and defeat hyperion to get one of the best mythical items that this instance can give, however most players check to see if you have the right numbers to enter, if you are one of them keep reading…

Aion players have a lot to do during this festive time of year. In the Nightmare Circus content, players are charged to save Yume and unlock treasures at the Nightmare Circus. To help save Yume, you must be at least level 30 with a minimum group of two players. Yume’s faerie friends are available in…